All success comes down to being consistent and patient.  It is not what you do once in a while but what you do over and over and over again that will bring results.  It has been my experience that this is especially true with health and wellness goals.  

Depending on what you want to achieve, success can take time making it easy to give up.  

But knowing that the path to success will have several bends and twists can help you stick with it and give you determination to keep going.  

On your road to success, here are 5 things you can expect:

1. Consistency can be boring.

New things are fun!  Whether it is a new car, a new job or even a new diet, when something is new, it is easy to be excited and motivated.  But if the path to success is paved with consistency, let’s face it, consistency can get boring.  The car gets dirty, the job is well…a job, and the diet isn’t much fun when results take time.  Getting past the success challenge of boredom takes a change in attitude especially when it comes to diet and exercise.  Remembering why you started to eat healthy foods and working out regularly can make all the difference in keeping your new lifestyle going and moving you from being motivated to being committed.  

2. Success takes actual work.

No matter what your goal, to truly be successful you will have to do the work.  Magic pills, miracle foods and 10 second workouts don’t exist.  Sooner or later you will need to make changes to what you eat and how often you workout in order to see real and lasting results.  That is the actual work.  Quick fix advertising is everywhere preying on those who are not ready to embrace the work, but those who are willing to ‘roll up their sleeves’ day after day, week after week and month after month will succeed in reaching their goal. 

3. Success means change and change is uncomfortable.

People resist change because change is uncomfortable.  But in order to have something different, you are going to have to do something different.  With regard to health, the road to success is paved with changes in what you eat and how often you workout.  Make your mind up to power through the unfamiliar, awkward and uncomfortable feeling and your comfort level will increase.  Your new workout regimen and eating plan will become your new normal and results will follow.

4. Accountability is important

Oftentimes when we set out to accomplish a goal, we do not want anyone to know in case we do not succeed.  However, it is important to surround yourself with like minded people who can support you on your way.  When you keep your goals to yourself, it is much easier to take the “I’ll start tomorrow” way out.  If you have a team of support, you are much more likely to keep your commitment and make the changes you know you need to make. 

5. Consistency and Patience are far more important than perfection!

The road to a new healthy lifestyle will not be straight or perfect!  The idea of perfect can easily derail you and cause you to give up.  It is important to know that there WILL be days when you get sidetracked, but do not let these less-than-perfect days convince you that there is no use continuing or that you have somehow failed!  Nothing could be further from the truth!!  Break the cycle by knowing ahead of time that perfection is not necessary to success!

Do you need help with staying consistent so that you can achieve your health and fitness goals?  I am here to help!!  Grab a spot on my newsletter list for ideas and resources or send me an email and we can set up a time to chat.